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Eco Retreats

Returning to our roots

Dear friends –
The autumn colours of the forest are absolutely stunning as I look out onto the misty hills and imagine I am in a far-off cloud forest …

I love this time of year, as the days shorten and the dark afternoons and evenings allow for family time reading and playing games in front of the fire.

This year in particular I am feeling a strong sense of our need to return to our roots. The world is becoming a less certain place and in the face of that uncertainty many of us are examining again our priorities and goals. In the last 18 months many of us have rediscovered local places and people, and taken joy in the simple pleasures of growing our own vegetables and herbs, and of cooking and sharing meals with our loved ones.

After many years exploring the wider world, living and working on four continents, today I am instead leaning into deepening my experience where I am. Together with my children, I am exploring the forest paths and coming to know the smell of the seasons, the best foraging spots, hidden wild swimming oases. We are increasingly untangling ourselves from global systems and corporates, each month and each year swapping “easy” options for local solutions with heart and soul. We are building community and through community, resilience for the future.

Angus and I have long been interested in learning from the past; there is so much to learn from older generations about local and sustainable living. While sometimes it’s necessary to slow down, in the slowing down we find more mindfulness, connection and quality of living.

Nature is our great teacher and great healer. In these times of uncertainty there can be fear as well. Feeling the timeless forest around us – the slate and stones, the old oaks, the running rivers – I feel reassured by a broader sense of ages gone and yet to come, the intricate balance of our amazing eco-system and the wisdom of the Universe. All will be well they seem to say. All is unfolding as it must.

As our Eco Retreats 2021 season closes, we are grateful as always for the beautiful time we have spent in the forest and the experiences and ideas we’ve shared with our wonderful guests and staff. We are excited to work on some new plans over winter and will be sharing more on those as they develop …

Our booking system is open for 2022 bookings – book early to avoid disappointment! We still only require a £100 deposit to secure your spot. We also offer a range of gift vouchers to gift your loved ones the experience of returning to their roots in the forest this festive season.

Margaret and Angus

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