Our culture and media teach us that we are living in scarcity. People are taught to feel lacking; and from this lacking originates a grasping for more to fill the emptiness.
Nature reminds us we in fact live in an abundant world. The sun shines freely on everyone; fruit trees’ boughs hang heavy laden; millions of seeds are scattered by the wind; whole banks and fields of flowers spring up.
And nature doesn’t hold back: flowers bloom intensely and fully, not half-heartedly. Whether or not there is anyone to see or care!
The practice of giving is recognised as one of the most basic human virtues, a quality that testifies to the depth of one’s humanity and one’s capacity for self-transcendence. According to the Buddha, generosity – or sharing what we have – is one of the central pillars of a spiritual life. In the act of giving we develop our ability to let go, cultivate a spirit of caring, and acknowledge the inter-connectedness that we all share.
Let us take our inspiration from nature and commit to giving freely, unconditionally.
Springtime is the perfect time of year just to drink in the beauty and feel anew the wonder and gratitude at living in such an abundant Universe.
Join us from April to experience the miracle of new life all around.
Relax in a hot bath under the stars at night and awake to the sound of birdsong and the rushing river. Feel the grass under your feet, the fresh breeze in your hair and the warmth of the wood-burning stove in the yurt. Forget all about everyday life and the constant buzzing of your phone and demands to rush here and there; remember how simple life can be.
Just over a month till we open – I can’t wait!!
Look forward to seeing you here.